Pigeon prevention
The main reason that pigeons remain within an urban area is third party environmental issues and in particular the food source that is available. Whilst many of us like to support urban wildlife and even provide specific feeding areas, unfortunately, we cannot pick and choose who benefits from this food source. Pigeon populations are sustained, almost exclusively, by deliberate and persistent feeding on the part of a small number of individuals; this single act is seen as the root cause of most pigeon problems. Pigeons have learned to exploit multiple food sources and although their natural diet would be made up of seeds and grains (when in season) they will exploit virtually any food available to them. This is because pigeon flock size is dictated, absolutely, by available food.
Precautionary measures include:
Ensuring that your garden is clean, and that no food is left out for pigeons or birds.
Ask neighbours to stop deliberate feeding of birds.
Store all rubbish in bins with a securely fitted lid, so that pigeons/birds cannot gain access to the contents.
Twigs and leaves should be cleared from around your property, as pigeons/birds will use them to build their nests.
Solar panel mesh
We would recommend that you contact a pest control professional who will be able to advise you about the various options that may be appropriate for your circumstances.
You may find the British Pest Control Association website helpful, www.bpca.org.uk. Simply enter your postcode to find reputable pest control companies in your area.
Should you choose to engage the services of a third party organisation we would ask that you inform us prior to the works commencing so that we have the opportunity to help you remain compliant with the obligations as defined within the terms of the agreement and also discuss any safety related issues.
Get in touch.

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